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PDF Scan to Samba network share with Canon MF657CDW

·655 words·4 mins
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Setting Up a Canon MF657Cdw to Scan PDFs Directly to a Linux Samba Share #

The Canon i-SENSYS MF657Cdw supports scanning documents directly to a Linux Samba share in PDF format, making it ideal for networked workflows. This guide explains how to configure the printer to scan directly to a Linux Samba share.

What You’ll Need #

  • Canon MF657Cdw printer connected to the network (compatible models like MF655Cdw and MF461dw should work as well)
  • A Linux server configured with a Samba share.
  • Administrative (System Manager) credentials for the printer.
  • Printer’s IP address.

Set Up a Samba Share on Linux #

Ensure that the Linux server is properly configured with Samba for file sharing.

  1. Install Samba (if not installed):
    Use apt on Debian/Ubuntu systems:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install samba -y
  2. Create the Shared Folder: Create a folder where scanned files will be saved, e.g., /data/scans.

    sudo mkdir -p /data/scans
    sudo chmod 755 /data/scans
  3. Configure Samba: Open the Samba configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

    Add the following to the end of the file:

    path = /data/scans
    browsable = yes
    writable = yes
    guest ok = no
    valid users = scanner
  4. Create a Samba User: Create a user account for the printer (e.g., scanner):

    sudo adduser scanner --no-create-home --disabled-login
    sudo smbpasswd -a scanner
    Set and confirm the password when prompted.
  5. Restart Samba:

    sudo systemctl restart smbd
  6. Test the share: Confirm that the share is accessible:

    smbclient -L //localhost/scanner -U scanner

The network path for the share will be smb://<server_ip>/scanner.

Find the Printer’s IP Address #

  1. On the printer, got to Status Monitor > Network information > IPv4
  2. Note the printer’s IP address (e.g.,

Access the Printer’s Web Interface #

  1. Open a browser and go to the printer’s IP address (e.g.,
  2. Log in with the System Manager ID and password. The default ID/password are:
    • ID: 7654321
    • Password: 7654321

If customized, use your updated credentials.

Configure the Scan to Samba Share #

  1. Navigate to Address Book: Go to Address Book in the web interface.

    Canon Remote UI - Portal
    Canon Remote UI- Portal

    You should see an empty list of favorites:

    Canon Remote UI - Favorites
    Canon Remote UI - Favorites

  2. Add a New Destination: Click New Registration or Add Destination. Choose File as the destination type.

    Canon Remote UI - Register New Destination
    Canon Remote UI - Register New Destination

  3. Enter Samba Share Details:

    ParameterValue (Example)Comment
    ProtocolWindows(SMB)CIFS/SMB Protocol
    Host Name192.168.178.60Samba Hostname or IP Address
    Folder PathscannerFolder path relative to the Samba share
    UsernamescannerSamba username (e.g., scanner)
    Password************Samba password you set earlier

    Canon Remote UI Register New Destination File
    Canon Remote UI - Register New Destination: File

    Finally click on “OK” to safe your settings.

    Canon Remote UI - Adress book
    Canon Remote UI - Adress book

Test the Configuration #

  1. On the printer’s touchscreen, go to Address Book and select the newly created Samba destination.

    Canon Display - Main Menu
    Canon Display - Main Menu

  2. Hit “apply”.

    Canon Display - Address Book
    Canon Display - Adress Book

  3. Place your document on the scanner. Press B/W Start or Color Start to scan. The scanned PDF should appear in /data/scans on the Linux server.

    Canon Display - Scan to file
    Canon Display - Scan to file

    Scanning process…

    Canon Display - Scanning…
    Canon Display - Scanning…

    Finally press Start Sending

    Canon Display - Start Sending
    Canon Display - Start Sending

  4. The scanned document should now be on the network share. The document name includes Date and time of the scanning.

MacOS Finder scanner share
MacOS Finder scanner share

Troubleshooting #

If the scanning process does not work, the Canon prints an unhelpful error document.

Canon Error Message Printout
Canon Error Message Printout

The following points can be checked to narrow down the error:

  • Check permissions on /data/scans (the scanner user needs read an write permissions)
  • Ensure Samba is running (smbd service needs to be running)
  • Check the Samba logs /var/log/samba (search for errors)
  • Verify network connectivity between the printer and server (ping the printer from your Samba host)
  • Check if the password was set correctly (set a new password)

With these steps completed, your Canon MF657Cdw will scan documents to PDF and save them directly to the Linux Samba share, seamlessly integrating with your network. Happy scanning! 😊